How To Use The Same WhatsApp Account On Two Different Phones At The SameTime

One of the downsides of WhatsApp is that it every WhatsApp account is associated with a single phone number making its use limited to one phone at a time. Because the WhatsApp app on your phone periodically checks for an active phone number and if it doesn't find a match, it will prompt you to re-verify to use it again. Therefore, multi-phone use of the same WhatsApp account on multiple phones usually doesn't work. But there is a simple workaround.Even though it is not the most elegant of solutions, it works. And it only needs an active internet connection on the second phone and functions even without a SIM card.1. Open the Web browser on the second phone that you want to also use WhatsApp on and go to 2. On the mobile browser, it will automatically redirect youto the WhatsApp home page. From the browser options, choose "Request desktop site"(where you find this could vary from browser to browser)and it will then open up the desired Web page wi...